Our group is broadly interested in leveraging computational optics, optical system design, and machine learning/AI to improve optical microscopy, sensing, and information processing. Our overarching goal is to develop and build novel optical tools to advance discovery in fundamental science and impact real-world applications, particularly in biology and medicine. We are located in beautiful Irvine, California.

We are actively hiring at all levels, check out the opening page for more details or simply fill this form for initial inquiry.

We are interested in both the fundamental aspects of designing optical systems for improved performance and developing new computational methods to derive biomedical and physical insights, as well as translating these advances into practice. We are pursuing our research directions by exploring the following three major topics.

Research Topics

Designing and building smarter optical system for improved optical microscopy, sensing and information processing.

Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to design better computational tools for optics.

Tailoring our system for fundamental and real-world biomedical applications, such as understanding our brain and its diseases.


8/10/2024: We will be officially opening our lab in summer 2025. We are hiring at all ranks including postdocs, Ph.D. students, research assistants and technicians. Please check the opening page for more information.